Beck’s Broth has reinvented hot chocolate and coffee by creating an innovative line of beverages that use bone broth as their base. The pasture-raised bone broth adds a creamy texture to these drinks — soothing to the digestive system and body as a whole.
Upcycling at its core: With only three ingredients, beef bones, honey, and cacao, their bone broth hot chocolate is sourced as locally and sustainably as possible. Both the cacao and the honey are organic, and the honey is from a local farm. Additionally, 100% of Beck’s Broth’s beef bones are upcycled from a local farm where they otherwise would have gone to waste.
Did you know Groceries from the SEED is Canada’s first sliding-scale online grocery store? When you shop, you help people in your community afford good food.
The SEED is a proud partner with the City of Guelph and Wellington County on Our Food Future. The SEED’s role in this broad collaboration is to ensure that food security remains top of the agenda for Our Food Future. We believe that Guelph can be the first community in Canada where there are no barriers to healthy food. Food justice is an essential ingredient of the Circular Food Economy.
Shelldale Farm Park is a community food project at Shelldale Community Centre that supports Onward Willow community members to access fresh food. The Farm Park brings folks together to share food skills like growing and cooking while growing a sense of belonging and community.
The impacts altogether create a beautiful space of diverse community members coming together to grow accessible, nutritious and fresh food—and not just food, but food that they love to eat from back home, food that they know came from their own love and care, and food that would provide them security, belonging and a feeling of home.
The Food System Resiliency Table (The Table) is a regional food policy and programming working group that brings together community leadership to learn lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure diverse groups are leading policy development from their lived experience.
The Table is accepting expressions for a creative partnership to co-create a project that documents and presents the rich history of our local food system in an accessible and inspiring way.
The Table is seeking an artist who can co-create and accompany our community partners through a process that captures and documents stories of the lands, waters, creatures, people, and events that contribute to the rich history of food and food justice in Guelph and Wellington — from time immemorial to the present day — in a dynamic and memorable way.
This project will support the gathering and sharing of food culture and stories of activism and social, economic and environmental change. We define activism as: the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning, advocacy, and care to bring about political or social change.
The successful artistic output and process will express a commitment to unlearn colonised ways of knowing and engage in a meaningful approach that allows stories, knowledge, and history to unfold, be gathered and shared. The finished expression will be a compelling and accessible digital mural/collage that combines audio and visual elements. The Table will host an (in-person) unveiling event for the finished artform. We also see this final offering as an integral part of our future presentations at conferences, in-person and online events, that will have an expected reach of thousands of residents. The unveiling event will also share reflections from the process and ideas for a permanent artistic expression.
The Artist
The successful applicant will co-host/facilitate a series of public events with The Table with the intention to ensure that intergenerational voices from diverse cultures, gender expressions, and perspectives will be woven together. The Artist will take into account and utilise recorded audio, video and images in their final offering – we are open regarding the format of the finished artform and will remain in close dialogue with the appointed artist throughout the process. The successful candidate will be chosen by an Advisory Panel and will be awarded $3,600 for their work.
Click here for more info and to access the application link!